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Open in August

Holy Trinity Church will be open every day, Monday-Friday, between 10.00 and 12.00. You are always welcome to drop in for a chat or to light a candle.

On Wednesdays in August, we will be running a pop-up café and shop, with refreshments, good quality summer clothing, bric-a-brac, and a food bank (bring what you can; take what you need).  Open 10.00-1.00.

On Thursdays at 10.00 you are very welcome to join us for a service of Holy Communion.

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Our services this month

You are very welcome to join us at any of our services.

If you’re new to faith, you might find the following descriptions useful:

  • Holy Communion: A service where we remember Jesus’ last meal with his friends.  There are Bible readings, a sermon, and prayers and there may be some music (but currently no communal singing indoors due to coronavirus restrictions).
  • All-Age Holy Communion is similar to the above but is designed to be accessible to people of all ages and may be more interactive.
  • Informal Holy Communion on a Thursday is similar to the Sunday service, but more intimate and relaxed.
  • Morning Prayer: A service of Bible readings, a sermon and prayers, using traditional language.
  • Service of the Word: Similar to Morning Prayer but using contemporary language.

You are also very welcome to join us for Morning Prayer at 9 am Monday-Friday, or for Evening Prayer at 5 pm, both in the St James Chapel at Holy Trinity.  These are short services of Bible readings and prayers for the day.

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